Paul and Linda's wedding reception was a blast. We got to spend some quality time with some quality people and the open bar was a definite plus! :)
We went to Too Broke for Sturgis last month. (My header picture here was taken on the ride up there.) Three people were killed, one critically injured. It was apparently a disagreement over food....drunken assholes and guns don't mix. The shooting was about 150 feet from our tent. Daryl said, "That was just fireworks." I said, "Look you see any fireworks? That was definitely a gun." Swat team and ghetto birds all over the campground all night. Fun times. Some people went home Saturday morning, since the rally was cancelled. We decided to stay and make the best of it. You can read all about the incident here if you're interested. (Yes, that is Daryl on the portable stripper pole at Too Broke!)
I bought a '97 Road King in February this year. She's gorgeous, but I didn't want a black bike. So, I had her painted purple with lavender flames. The paint job sucked. I was pissed off. The guy who painted it said he knew it sucked, but he knew I needed the bike for a run that weekend, so he put it back together for me and said he would repaint it in a few weeks. He did much better the second time around. Now she's midnight purple: she looks black in the shade and sparkly purple in the sun. No flames now, which is fine with me. She is perfect. All I need now is a windshield. Yes, a windshield. On the ride back home from Too Broke I realized that riding in 110-degree weather on the freeway at 85mph is just no fun without a windshield. I'd like a quick-detach windshield so when I'm riding around town I don't need it. My birthday is coming up, so maybe Daryl will get me one. :)
School has been great, really. Until this last class. Statistics SUCK. Just sayin'. I got through the first class with a C+, and this week I start the second class. I just want to pass it and be done with it. After that, it's all management and HR classes. The next year should go by pretty fast. And I know I said I would NEVER go back for my Master's degree but....well you know how it goes. I can't stop now. After my Bachelor's is complete, I will only have about a year or year and a half to complete my Master's. Seems silly not to do it. I may take a break for a while before I start it though.
Vicki started 8th grade at a new school this year. Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics. It's a charter school, which is free in Arizona. But she did have to be on a damn waiting list to get in, and then had to take placement tests before she started. We had a bit of a rough start with the administration, but now that it's all worked out I think it will be a great year for her. She's taking Drama, Choir and Visual Arts. I'm hoping she lets me post some of her drawings here...they're really good.
I also wanted to let you all know, I have been reading (stalking) your blogs, but never really have time to comment...and I can read them from work but cannot comment from work, so if I get a minute to read them on a quick break, I do. Rest assured I am keeping up with your lives. I will try to blog more regularly, but I can't make any promises until October, when Statistics class is over. :)
Happy blogging, and ride safe!