Happy new year to all!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful night!
Here's to a new year!!! Woooooo-hooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The collection of any random thoughts that pop into my head, or the culmination of some damn thing that happened at the Nelson house, because you all know there is never a dull freaking moment in our lives!

Words to Live By
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Note From A US Navy Sailor
I received this email today from our friend Jason who is currently serving in the US Navy. I think it has a wonderful message.
Jason: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, as well! I can't thank you enough for serving our country! Hope to see you next year!
And so this is Christmas…….
As I sit here off the coast of Somalia on this Christmas Eve, my thoughts are on home, of course. I miss you all and am thinking about each and every one of you and hoping that you’re all well and having the very best Christmas possible. If anyone had told me 10 years ago that I would be in the Navy someday and spending my Christmas Eve 2008 in The Indian Ocean off of Somalia watching a vessel full of pirates with hostages, I’m sure I would have gotten great amusement out of that thought and wondered how much drugs they had taken to come up with such a thought. But here I am all the same, floating half the world away from all the people that I love.
I have to believe that there is a reason I joined the Military. So many people have asked me that question, over the past 9 years that I have served, and I really don’t ever have a straight forward answer. It was really just something that occurred to me one night and so I did it. I know that many bets were placed at the time about how long I would actually last! But I did! And I think it may have been the best decision I have ever made…Even in my first enlistment I didn’t think I would stay in any longer than that first contract but for some reason I keep re-enlisting and all I can say now is God wants me here and someday maybe that answer will be clear to me. After all “Life is what happens when your busy making other plans” I have learned so much about myself and so much about people and the world it would be impossible to even explain these things to someone who has never served….. But the general idea, as once told to me by my mother, as was told to her by her Aunt Leila “Everyone shits on a pot”. Something I try to keep in mind everyday.
I thank every one of you for the support and encouragement you give me and want you to know that’s what keeps me going on days like this (Christmas). It’s also what keeps the thousands of other Military men and women who are fighting for this country going whether or not we agree with the decisions the politicians in Washington make or not we are all here to support and defend the USA. I never had a love of country before I joined but I do now know what it means and have great pride in our nation and the young Men and Women who give their lives on foreign soil, far away from their family and friends, every day.
Please think of those military personnel who are away from home on Christmas today, for their very first time as well as the families and friends of those who will never get to see their son or daughter, brother or sister, friend or partner ever again. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, (if praying is your thing). And give them the encouragement and strength they need to get through it all and for those who can, to come home safe and healthy and much wiser about the world than they ever new could be possible!
Thanks again for your love and support and know that although I am sad about being away from home today I did choose this life for myself and am happy to know that I am in one way or another helping to protect each of you, your children and their children’s freedom!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
So Glad I'm Not Back East
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A Very Special Birthday Shout-Out
Happy birthday to the man I love. He's a wonderful husband, brother and father. He's a brillant writer and a loyal friend. He keeps me sane, and keeps me going. When things get tough and I'm ready to throw in the towel, he makes me take a second look and reorganize.

He's a scary-looking biker to some, a dirty old biker to others, but to me he's the best man in the world. Happy birthday, Babe. I love you with all my heart.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Birthday Shout-Out!
Happy birthday to my friend Kim! Kim is a hot IT chick and a good friend. She's also the one who convinced me to start blogging!
I hope you have a great birthday, Champ!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
BACA Clothing Drive - Pictures
Last night we had a great time at the BACA clothing drive benefitting the West Valley Child Crisis Center. Here are some of the pics I took.
Just in case you were wondering...yes, we rode the bike. And when we left to go home at 2:30 a.m. it was a brisk 39°F outside. I was bundled up from head to toe in leather, flannel and fleece...and I still froze my ass off!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Navy v. Air Force
My son Rex, who just happens to be in the Navy sent me this picture yesterday. I think it's a riot.
The caption reads: "America's Air Force -- No one comes close. 4 different uniforms, 5 different pieces of headgear, and one fat Colonel with her hands in her pockets."
My reply to him was as follows: "Hey chickenshit, I noticed that of all the people you sent this to, your brother's email was suspiciously missing." His brother Eric is in the Air Force.
I haven't gotten a reply yet. (I just love to stir the pot!) :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
BACA Clothing Drive
If you happen to be in Phoenix on December 19th or 20th, BACA is holding a clothing drive to benefit the West Valley Child Crisis Center. It's a great center that provides shelter for children who have been removed from their homes by Child Protective Services.
Here is the flyer:

If you want an actual copy of the flyer, I'll be happy to send one to you. :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
BACA State Picnic
The BACA State Picnic was on Saturday, 11/8/08. We had an absolutely fabulous time. I think the kids did, too. :)
Sorry the pics took so long...I didn't have my camera and had to use Joker's (our AZ Joker) camera and then I had to wait until he gave me the cord for it!
And Big D wrote an article about the picnic for Quick Throttle Magazine. It should be in next month's edition. When BACA submitted his story, the editor said, "Hey, that's really good...want a job?" She said, "I didn't write it, but I know who did!"
Picture this, Big D's fantasy job: going to bike rallies to write about wet t-shirt contests for a living! :) We haven't heard anything from them, but we're hopeful.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Yes, it will be 73° later today, and yes, I have turned into a total wimp, but it's 46° right now (5:30 a.m.) and I am freezing! I have not turned on the heat yet, though. Everyone has blankets and sweats. I pay too damned much for my electric in the summer for having the a/c on, I'm not about to turn on the heat yet! :)
But there is one member of my family who is especially cold this morning. Well, two, but I only got a picture of the one.

Rascal, who is affectionately known here as "Fat Boy" is very cold! He's got really short fur. So, this morning Big D put a blanket over his head to get him out of the recliner. Usually, he will scramble out of the chair once this is done. Today, not so much. He just snuggled into it an popped his head out! Guess we're gonna have to buy him a sweater!
Big D is also very cold at this moment, as he's riding to work. And he's in a lot of pain with his shoulder and his ankle. But that's another story.
Hope all you mid-westerners and folks back east and up north don't jab me too hard for saying I'm cold! I admitted that I'm now a wimp! I'm adjusted to 113° in the summer!
Stay warm everyone!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Christmas Story
Today, I asked Big D to get our Christmas tree out of the shed. That's where we store it. It's in these big rubbermaid containers. Sealed. No prob, right? Well, it hasn't been for the last 8 years...until now.
He did like a good hubby and got it out for me. After dinner, I cleared 'the spot' for the tree. Then I opened the first container. No issues, just metal branches with plastic greenery. All grouped together by letter.
Then I opened the large container, which has the base in it. I started taking out the larger groups of branches that are on top of everything....no issue. Then, I smell something weird. Then I pull out the base, and notice that it's wet. Condensation? Maybe. It did rain a few days ago.
Then I take out more groups of branches...and they are soaked. Big issue. There is about 2-3 inches of water in the bottom of the container. Rusty, smelly water. WTF???
I have put the tree in the back yard to dry out tomorrow. (God bless living in Arizona!) If the smell doesn't go away, we will be forced to buy a new tree. Just when I didn't need to spend any more money, I have to spend more money.
The upside to this is that we've had this tree for 10 years. It's not exactly a Charlie Brown tree, but it has definitely seen better days. I would be more upset if I bought the tree last year.
Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a fake tree?

Monday, December 1, 2008
A Cheery Little Post
Over the last few weeks, I have had nothing but bad news. I won't get into all the drama here, but no good has come out of the last few weeks, other than turkey. And to be perfectly honest, I'm already tired of turkey.
Joker is missing, Big D hasn't been writing, Willy D has taken over as resident author. WTF? (BTW...Willy D has a great story going over there, too!)
Anyway, Big D decided that we were going dancing. Yes, dancing. I have a little video of it. Click here to see it.
Did you watch it....are you rolling on the floor yet? If not, watch again. Check the look on Big D's face. Can you say priceless?
Yes, I'm bored. Yes, I actually have better things to do. But I haven't blogged in a while, and I have been doing schoolwork so long that I can't see straight right now.
Hope you all enjoyed! ;)
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