The collection of any random thoughts that pop into my head, or the culmination of some damn thing that happened at the Nelson house, because you all know there is never a dull freaking moment in our lives!

Words to Live By
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Guess Who's Coming to Phoenix? Part II
I've had some really great responses. I guess it was natural for everyone to guess that my kids or grandkids were coming out for a visit. I should have eliminated them for you.
I did have a few GREAT guesses, though. Some of my favorites were:
B.B.: "Is it me?"
Mr. M: "Jesus Christ Superstar"
Joker: "Wayne Newton and the Hee Haw girls"
Dave: "...or maybe Aerosmith is playing in your backyard?" (This was my absolute favorite, BTW.)
Well, I can assure you all that Aerosmith is not playing in my backyard...yet. :) You will all get a formal invitation when that happens - trust me!!
Dean's answer was brilliant. He guessed Dave and/or Willy D. because they are geographically the closest to us, and hadn't commented up to that point. (Where the hell is Willy D. anyway?)
Steph had a great guess, she used her powers of deduction. She guessed Mr. M or Joker because up to that point they were the only ones who hadn't guessed it was a member of my family.
And my BFF V emailed me and asked me for a hint...that was priceless. :) Thanks for the coffee today, V! It was great to see you! ;)
At the end of his post, Poltergeist, Big D opened it up for anyone who wanted to come ride to Yuma with us next weekend for an HA run, to come on out. Shortly after that post I got an email from Joker to take us up on it. Woo-hooo!!!! Joker will be staying at La Casa Nelson and riding to Yuma with us next week! I think Mrs. RC said she could tell I was so excited that I was jumping out of my skin, and she was right on target! I really cannot wait to finally meet Joker!
I'm not sure if most of you know, but when we moved to Arizona, we lived in the same town that Joker lives in. It's amazing that we never ran into him while we lived's not really a big place. :)
I really do wish all of you could come with us. It's going to be in the high 70s next weekend, and it would be a blast to ride with all of you. Maybe someday.
I will defintely post pics from our Yuma run, and our visit with Mr. Joker. :)
I Did It!!!
Final Individual Paper: A
Final Group Paper: A
Final Group Project: A
Final Grade for the class: A!!!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Guess Who's Coming to Phoenix?
Someone is coming to visit us in Phoenix! It's a surprise though. Maybe I'll give you all a hint later on...
Grades and the Meeting From Hell
I just finished a course on Tuesday. It was 'Research and Information Utilization'. It nearly killed me. I have been waiting for the damned prof. to post my grade online, but it hasn't happened yet. Usually, I'm not this obsessed with what my grade is, however, this time I'm seriously wondering what the hell it is.
I have earned A's in my previous 4 classes, and I knew I earned them before grades were posted. This time, my final individual paper was weak, and I knew it. Our team paper was good, and our presentation totally rocked. I guess I'm just worried about that paper. Not that a B would kill me, mind you. I'm not a perfectionist, but that string of A's on my grade report is so pretty...
Anyway, I did have an interesting meeting with my learning team last Saturday. Friday night we had some friends call us to go out. They were buying the drinks, so we were able to go. Now normally when we go out I just drink Bud Light. On this night, that is exactly what I intended. Then I made a comment about Jack & Coke being yummy. Well, that was all it took; Dimples went and bought us two Jack & Cokes. Apparently, we were really thirsty, because those Jack & Cokes went down like water...and they were pretty strong. So we sat around the fire drinking these lovely libations until about 2:00-ish.
We all got back to my house at 2:30 and drank about a case of beer while playing Apples to Apples. (I will dedicate a post to this game soon.) So at 3:30, I realize that I have a meeting with my learning team from school at 8:00 that morning. That's 4.5 hours away. YIKES! I went right to bed and passed out cold.
My alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. I sat up, got out of bed and fell down. I'm pretty sure I was still drunk. I drank some coffee, but it wasn't settling right, so I drank water like a camel lost in the desert for months. My hair went up in a ponytail, I threw on some clothes and off I went to my meeting.
We meet at Coffee Plantation because they have comfy couches and food. These are the two elements needed when having a meeting. When I walked in, only one person from my team was there. She asked if I wanted coffee and I said, "No, just water." I explained to her that I was still drunk from the previous night, and she couldn't stop laughing.
At this point, everyone else arrived and noticed that my sunglasses were still on. I related my story to them and they thought it was pretty funny, too. Derrick said, "I have been on many learning teams and usually people use that as an excuse for missing a meeting, so I give you props for showing up at all!" How proud was I at that moment? I was definitely smiling!
The meeting was kept short (we didn't have a lot to do). I went home and was back in bed by 9:30. At 10:30, Big D woke me up in a panic and said, "Did you go to your meeting?" I rolled over, gave him the evil eye that only a wife can give and said (in a very weak and sleepy voice), "Mmm-hmm, now please leave me alone to die in peace." I slept until 1:30, moved to the recliner and didn't move all day. The next time I drink Jack & Coke I will make sure I do not have any meetings scheduled (or a life) the next day. :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
So I've had a few people ask me how we're doing, how's the bike, etc. Here's the update:
The bike is running, however it needs more work before we go to Yuma in two weeks. You can read all about the mechanical stuff over on Big D's blog.
We are hanging in there. We're planning two trips to Yuma on the bike. One next month and one at the end of April. Then there's Too Broke for Sturgis in July. I'm hoping to make that one, but I'm not sure yet. How sad is it that we may be too broke for Too Broke?
Our finances have been worse. (I have to keep telling myself this.) My checking account is not's not too positive, either, but not negative.
I've been extremely busy with school. I've also been busy avoiding homework. I'm getting pretty good at it, too. Avoiding it, I mean. :)
One of our friends earned his road name this week. He told us how he was so tired when he got home from work the other day, he thought his kickstand was down, and it wasn't. There are a few scratches, but no major damage. Then, Friday night he was in our driveway and thought his kickstand was down again. This time his clutch lever left a dent in my Buick. We immediately started the 'Road Name Game'. We had it down to "Dropper" or "Kickstand". Kickstand won. :) Then our BACA president's wife cut his Polar Bear road name patch off his vest. :) A round of Jack & Coke for everyone. And another, and another... yesterday was a tough day. :)
Hopefully we'll be going to Yuma in a couple of weeks and I'll have lots of pictures and stories to tell. Until then, ride safe.
Fabulous Blog Award

This award was presented to me by Baron's Life. I am honored to accept it! Thank you, Baron's Life, for this Fabulous Blog Award!
Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You must pass it on to 5 other Fabulous bloggers in a post.
2. You must list 5 of your Fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and instructions below in the post.
In your post receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
Here are my addictions (I'm not sure if they are fabulous, though :)):
1. Motorcycles
2. Mexican food
3. Shoes
4. Email
5. Cigarettes
Here are the 5 blogs that I think are Fabulous:
5. Dr. Wrench
There are many more blogs deserving of this award, but I am limited to 5. So those of you on the list, go out and spread the love!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Weekend Update
So we had somewhat of a busy weekend. Or, we had a busy Saturday, anyway.
Saturday morning, I had a meeting with my learning team at 8:00 a.m. Yes, I was on time. I got home from that meeting just before 10:00 a.m. On the way to that meeting, I lost my hubcap while getting on the freeway, so now my car looks ghetto. It's lovely.
When I got home, I had to get ready for the BACA meeting. And I was bummed out because we had to take my 3-hub-cap ride to the meeting. The meeting was good, actually it was one of our better ones. And, we met Arizona Harley Dude and Louise at the meeting! :) He had left a comment on my post about Big D being published that we should meet for a celebratory drink sometime. So we emailed and called, and I suggested he come to the meeting. I didn't have my camera, so sorry for the absence of pics. :( Big D and I had much to do after the meeting, so we did not get to have our celebratory drink with them. But we agreed to do this soon. They were very cool and it was so cool to meet a fellow blogger! Oh, and the sidecar really is awesome!
When we got home from our meeting, and after-meeting business, we discovered that the mailman had been to the house to deliver Big D's part for the bike, but wouldn't let Vicki sign for it, because she's not 18. Big D immediately got in the car and chased down said mailman to get his part! And he got it! So Annabelle is back together, but there are just a few things he needs to adjust, and then he'll do a very thorough once-over before he hits the streets with her.
While Big D was chasing down the mailman and then fixing the bike, we had some friends come over from the BACA meeting and they ended up staying all afternoon, then went to get their kids and brought them back for dinner, then we played Apples to Apples all night. Two cases of beer and 2 lbs of pasta later, they decided it was time to get on home. Since it was raining, Sticks decided to leave the big yellow Indian in our garage and ride home in the cage with the wife and kids. The big yellow Indian kicks ass. I'll try to post a picture later. :)
As you can imagine, I didn't do much all day on Sunday. I napped in the rocking chair, and vegged out. Then did homework on Sunday night.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Quick Update
I haven't had much time due to schoolwork, which is totally killing me right now. But I did want to post a quick update on the bike situation.
We ordered the part we needed on ebay Saturday night, thanks to a good friend who prefers to remain nameless. Big D has ordered the same part from the same seller for his friend's bike not too long ago (ironic? yes!). So, Big D expected the part to come in Wednesday or yesterday. Wednesday, the UPS truck pulled up and the guy had a box that was just the right size. Big D got very excited when he saw this and said, "Oh, you brought my part!" To which the UPS guy replied, "It's addressed to Lily." This is my what my Mom calls our daughter, Vicki. (Long story, don't ask.) Poor Big D was crushed.
He emailed the seller last night to find out when he could expect the part, and the reply he got was, "Sorry for the delay. Will send tomorrow." Fabulous. You pay $40 for shipping and you have to wait more than a friggin week to get the part?! So we don't anticipate accepting delivery of said part until at least Monday. Joy.
So this weekend, we get to take the cage to the BACA meeting. Joy. I can't wait until the bike is up and running. And if I'm this agitated, I can only imagine how Big D is feeling.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Big D's First Published Article
I am so proud of my hubby!!! Click here to see his first published work! And though I'm not mentioned, all the pictures were taken by moi! :)
I am proud of you, Babe! Quick Throttle today, your book soon! :)
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