The collection of any random thoughts that pop into my head, or the culmination of some damn thing that happened at the Nelson house, because you all know there is never a dull freaking moment in our lives!

Words to Live By
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The '09 Rumble - It's On!!!
On Tuesday I posted a video showing some of last year's Rumble on Route 66 because it looked really cool. I mentioned that if Annabelle was going to be up and running in time, I would love to go up to the Rumble.
Then I got comments from Dave, Willy D, and BB about coming out to AZ for this run. I'd like to take a moment and address those three personally here:
Dave: Poor, broke dumb-asses...that's what you called ALL I hang out with, so you're more than welcome. In fact, we'd love to have you here!
WillyD: You are a champion of a friend, offering to kick Dave in the ass to help him get out here. :)
BB: You said that Dave & WillyD can only come out on one condition, that you come too. That goes without question, as you are their ticket in, baby! :)
And you also said there was a 75% chance that you guys would all be coming out for this run. WillyD just upped it to an 87.036% chance. So I guess it's looking good.
The update on Annabelle, if I may be so bold, is that she should be up and running in a week or two at the most. So we won't be plugging in the regulator (or not) just before we leave for Williams. :)
I'm not sure if we're getting a room or camping yet, but either way it will be pretty cheap. This year, there is a $10/person entry fee for the whole weekend, which isn't bad at all, and everyone has to bring a 'biker-themed' item for the raffle.
Here is the flyer for the event. Registration is on-site Friday Noon - 7:00pm and Saturday 8am - 2pm. If anyone else wants to meet up in Peoria and ride up with us, let us know!
Blog Award from LadyR

A few days ago, LadyR over at Glider Rider bestowed this blogger award upon me. I am greatful that mine was one of the eight blogs she picked. Thanks, LadyR!
I'd like to thank my parents, sisters, husband, friends, Aunt Edna, etc. I couldn't have acheived this award without your support... :)
"These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
They are not interested in self-aggrandizement.
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
And here are the eight blogs that I have chosen to receive this award:
1. Dr. Wrench: WillyD always keeps us laughing, and intrigues us with his 'Guess the Tool' posts.
2. Iowa Harley Girl: With her interesting interviews and insightful posts, Steph gives us some perspective from one who rides on the back.
3. Arizona Harley Dude: Paul gives us great ride reports, and reading about his adventures with Petunia and the Pig are always entertaining.
4. KT Did: Here's a woman rider who has a great big heart. She's always doing charity events and rides.
5. Musings of a Contemplative Biker: Dean D-Day is a true 'Soul Rider' and some of his posts are quite insightful.
6. Baron's Life: This guy is my favorite Canuck! You can find some great bike info on his blog, and the jokes are always good.
7. Look for the Brighter Side: Paula always has great posts about her kids. I enjoy her outlook on life.
8. Fasthair: From tech tips to ride reports, Fasthair keeps us up to date on the latest.
Well, there are my eight...I hate that I could only pick eight. If you haven't checked out any of these blogs, I suggest you do. They are all great reads.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rumble on Route 66
The Rumble on Route 66 in Williams, AZ is coming up next month. There are no fees, you just need to bring a biker-related product to donate. These products then become the raffle items. Ingenious, if you ask me.
This is a weekend event from 6/19 - 6/21. If Annabelle is up and running by next month, I would love to go on this run. It's a beautiful ride from Phoenix up to Williams. Riding in the cool pines of Northern AZ is always a treat in the summertime.
There will be live bands playing on Friday and Saturday nights. There will be a biker swap meet on Saturday. And a beautiful ride from Williams, to the Grand Canyon, to Grand Canyon HD, the San Francisco Peaks, and back to Willams again. Sounds like the perfect weekend.
Here's a short video of last year's event. I love the slow drags. :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Few Pics From The Last Month or So
It has been a very trying month, but there have been some good times, too. I'm choosing to concentrate on those for now.
Our trip to Massachusetts in April was a sad occasion, as most of you know. But during that trip there were some surprises such as a bit of wild turkey, a squirrel and someone wearing Big D's vest.
Right after we got back from our sad trip to Massachusetts, we had to go to Yuma for BACA's annual 100-mile-ride. I didn't really want to go, but knew we had to. It turned out to be a great trip, even though we had to take the cage.
After returning from Yuma, we added a new member to our family. His name is Springer and he's the cutest. He's only 7 weeks old, but he's a little shit already!
I hope you all enjoy the pictures. The music is not my usual choice, but it stirred something in me. If you don't like it, turn down your volume.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Big D told me last night that I should post something. (Seriously?) I have been lurking and commenting for a month now, and apparently he's getting impatient. I really have no interest in posting anything just now.
I do have some future posts coming. We went to a Hillbilly wedding this Saturday, and Reverend Big D officiated. I'm waiting to get pics for that one, as you won't believe it happened without the pictures.
We missed a BACA event to attend the wedding. It was a poker run, and I heard it turned out well.
Since it got hot so early this year, I'm not really looking forward to riding anywhere, and it's a good thing, as Annabelle is all tore-up for now.
It's going to be 107°F in the desert southwest today. We're flirting with a record high.
I'm back in school now, and not even motivated for it. I probably should have extended my leave, but if I did I might not have gone back at all.
So excuse me for not being real motivated to post anything. I'm working on it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Chick Bike
Usually I hear guys call Sportsters 'Chick Bikes'. Now we all know this is bullshit, right? Well, I received an interesting email from my crazy friend Savina in Massachusetts today. She sent me pictures of a TRUE 'Chick Bike'.
Check it out...
Now that's a 'Chick Bike'!

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