Usually I hear guys call Sportsters 'Chick Bikes'. Now we all know this is bullshit, right? Well, I received an interesting email from my crazy friend Savina in Massachusetts today. She sent me pictures of a TRUE 'Chick Bike'.
Check it out...

Now that's a 'Chick Bike'!
ummm, well, lol... it wouldnt be this chicks bike, but ok....LOL...
LMAO - I think that would be a difficult ride.
Where do I get one!
I tried and tried but couldn't find the words to say what I'm thinking here. That's very...creative?? lol
Wow! Funny. But Wow!
Hmmm I thinking maybe this should be a dudes bike unless you like seeing a girl riding a girl...? Hmmm YOUR RIGHT!!! Thats a chick bike. Ha-ha.
Big AL
This probably looks quite interesting with a rider on it. Very creative!
Awesome..would be hard to concentrate on the road while riding
I just can't wrap myself around this one. Yea, people will would look, but what is the point?
She's too skinny....and her boobs are fake.
Where the hell do you stick the gas nozzle for a fill-up?
I wouldn’t want to be riding it when it got PMS!
I'm with Jen all the way on this one. I guess it's the Italian in me, but I just want to feed her. The first thing I thought of though was, " that Pat Benatar?"
Gives a whole new meaning to the term "bitch seat," but I'm going to hold off until a more voluptuous model comes out. If the fuel is supposed to go in her chest, I don't want the peanut tank!
I'm with Arizona Harley Dude on this one. What's the point? Art? Perhaps. Getting a reaction? For sure. But as a daily rider? No way. Too extreme/ugly/uncomfortable/whatever.
Ha ha! That's awesome! I'm laughing at Jen's comment....yes, I'm quite sure her boobs are fake!
Ummm, is that a "crotch" rocket?
Ok, Now, as a dude I don't think I would ride that. Sort looks ass backwards if you were to see a dude mounted on it. Mine's an exit, not an entrance. Think about it...
Literally it's a chick bike I guess...but a real chick bike would be the same basic concept, but a naked dude...with a boner as the "saddle horn" that...errr...could be used as something else...if your into the sort of thing. LOL
Now that would look more correct in my book. Thanks for the laugh!
I bet Dave Mann ispired that design somehow. Creative indeedy.
Inexpensive date, low maintenance, turns on easily, and wont talk back....hmmmm
Ride on,
Chick Bike indeed
lol - for sure!!!
I came back to there a tunel connector somewhere there?
Now that's a chick bike! I have to defend the Sportster though. Lots o' men ride a sporty, in particular in Northern California in the S.F. area just cause they are easier to get around in the city. They are a full bore motorcycle and not to be ridden lightly. They can fly and ride fast cause they are light and small. This bike with boobies and all takes the "chick bike" theory to another level... Dudamania!
Perhaps it's the "Dike Bike" but You"d have to be just plain old be M-BARE-ASSED to be seen with it anywhere. lol
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