In a previous post, I mentioned that I have a special sticker on my car for tailgaters. Well, here it is. Thanks, V, for the great sticker! You know me too well! The only thing better than having this sticker on my car is making Big D take my car to the store!!!! Now that's funny!

LOL! When my mom took my car to get it detailed and all the car wash guys kept giving her funny looks and talking about her! She didn't realize why until she saw my new sticker! She said I was dirty - what's wrong with that? LOL!
LOL!! That's a good one!!
Years ago my daughter drove a little Ford Ranger pick up truck. It had as sticker in the back window that said BITCH GODDESS.
Naturally I forgot all about that sticker and did her a favor one day by taking her car to a mechanic for some work.
I didn't understand why the mechanics were all giggling at me until I went back to pick the truck up a few hours later.
I never drove that truck again.
Wooooo. That's what I'm talkin' about! (I'm sure he likes his hair pulled, too, just not from behind...)
This is too funny
How funny! Great sticker!
thats good. i can just picture Big D riding down the highway with that on the ass of the car. i wonder how many college boys were behind him and sped up to get a look at the hot woman who drives this car! boy did they get a shock!
Hehehe, My sticker says "Keep honking, I'm reloading"... hehehe it's a california thing.
I Like yours better... well, as a follower anyway.
Thanks for sharing
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