- "At the Department of Housing and Urban Development, fuel consumption and inventory are down, yet overall costs have increased significantly. Officials there can't figure out why." WTF? Don't they keep records? This is our money they're spending!
- "The Interior Department was told by its own watchdog that it should cut its inventory, but it's added hundreds of vehicles." Why bother having a watchdog if you summarily dismiss it??
- "The VA has some cars that are barely driven. One just disappeared." WTF happened to it? Did it get lost, stolen, lost it's way on the way to the fuel pump?
More than 642,000 vehicles, and operating them cost you and me more than 3.2 billion, yes that's billion with a 'B' folks! What the hell is going on? I also find it disgusting that Transportation Secretary Mary Peters needs two drivers whose salaries totaled more than $128,000 last year! WTF? For those of you that don't know, Mary Peters rides a motorcycle. That being said, she is NOT a biker's friend. Mary wants to cut spending on motorcycle safety training and awareness programs, and divert that spending to push for mandatd helmet-use. That's right, Mary Peters is the big brother that we need to look out for! She wants to take part of our freedom away. Here's a blog about it.
And the rumor is she's planning to run for governor of Arizona in 2010. We do not need a helmet-nazi that needs two drivers! Get on your bike and ride, Mary!
Sorry, I get passionate about Mary. Can't stand the bitch.
Back to the issue at hand, gross government misconduct and spending OUR money willy-nilly. I am absolutely bewildered, and maybe I shouldn't be. I know that government spending has been handled badly since day 1, but don't people get angry? Are we that passive now, that we just sit at home, shaking our heads at the news anchor? We should be screaming and shaking our fists and doing something about it, shouldn't we?
Understand that I am not a political analyst, I really don't know too much about politics, but I do know that I'm angry and disgusted with our government. I don't have the answers...this is just food for thought.
And please note: the spending figures in the required reading article were for last year, BEFORE gas was $4-something/gallon. What the hell is our cost this year?