The collection of any random thoughts that pop into my head, or the culmination of some damn thing that happened at the Nelson house, because you all know there is never a dull freaking moment in our lives!

Words to Live By
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Very Funny Story
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Vacation Injury Follow Up
Friday, July 27, 2007
Just A Few Things Quickly Today...
- The Hot Chick Blogger's Club ROCKS! I am honored to be included in this group of inspiring bloggers!
- Today is my appt with the orthopedic surgeon to find out what the deal is with my shoulder! Wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts! I really want to get this fixed.
- Percocet, for many, is a recreational fantasy world in a pill. For me, not so much. I take one little pill and I itch all over for about an hour. After that, I just lay on the couch and look at the TV with a blank stare. Big D makes fun of me for that. It does get rid of the pain, though! I usually don't take them, but last night I could not stand the pain! I'm thinking of asking the Doc for an alternative so I can get rid of the pain without all the itching! Maybe beer will help?!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
MRI's Suck!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bike Trouble Continues...But Not For Long
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday Night...
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's Friday!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Vacation Injury
Friday, July 13, 2007
Comments On The Blog - A Public Service Annoucement
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Top Five Reasons We Should Have Known...
- Large diamond ring on Sam's finger in pic she sent us from boot camp (we got a really small pic, so you have to REALLY look at the bottom corner to see it)
- Large-sum jewelery store bill sent to our house by mistake
- Rodrigo moving to VA with her after boot camp
- Scramble to get an apartment (and get out of her brother's house) before we got to VA for the wedding
- The lovely "Rodrigo" tattoo on Sam's back (saw that at the beach)
Now if you take all of that into consideration, it should be fairly clear. Though, I would like you to please keep in mind, not only are we old and frail, but this was over the timespan of at least 6 months. Now, the piece of the puzzle that completed the picture:
- The piece of junk mail I found at Rex's house with Sam's married name on it
- And her husband labeling pics on his myspace account as "Me & Wifey" didn't hurt, either - but that was more of a confirmation, as we bumped into that yesterday
Big D has suspected this since the jewelery store bill showed up at our house. I did not suspect anything until "the great apartment hunt" began. The only thing we don't understand is why they didn't tell us! When Eric got married, he asked us to be witnesses, and we said, "You're too young," and then we said, "Of course we will, if that's what you want." You see, we did the best we could with them, and what we didn't teach them in their 18 young years, they will learn as they grow. We love them, and will do anything we can for them, and that's a promise.
I think the funniest thing about all of this is when I asked Deja, "Are they married?" after I found the piece of junk mail. Deja's response was to give me a total 'deer-in-the-headlights' look and stutter! Well said, Deja! LOL!
I hope that Samantha and Rodrigo have many happy years together. I really do. We had the pleasure of meeting Rodrigo while in VA, and we both really like him. He' s a very nice guy. I just want to offer this piece of advice to both of you: be nice to each other, and respect each other. It's not always easy, either, so don't be quick to throw in the towel!
Now that I know their anniversary date, it can be added to my blog!
Veronnica - I hope you're happy!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dream Girls - Review
Monday, July 9, 2007
More Randomness
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Why Some Ex-Husbands Are Ex's
- First and foremost, Talia is beautiful. (Cyn's daughter)
- Robin looks old and ugly. (the bride)
- Her dress looks like a dirty dish-rag. (true)
- Dave looks old. (the ex)
- Dave looks like a DORK (honestly!)
- She has absolutely no class sending you the link for all of these when she could have simply emailed you the ones with Talia in them.
- Cheesecake at a wedding is, well, cheesy! (can you believe they had cheesecake?)
Now as I viewed the pics, I noticed that next to each one there is a button marked "Email this photo". She could have simply clicked on that button next to the ones with Talia in them and sent those to Cyndi, rather than send the whole album.
Sometimes I wonder how these stupid people have survived as long as they have. Do people just figure that they're too stupid to have any tact at all? I'm outraged by the sending of the link...who the hell wants to see all of her ex-husband's wedding photos? My advice to Cyndi: I know you have to deal with them all the time, and play nice in front of Talia, but when she's not within earshot, you DO NOT have to play nice. But, you don't want to waste a lot of energy on an old woman and her dorky husband, either! LOL!Friday, July 6, 2007
Birthday Shout-Out To My Boy Rexxy!!
- Yes, Rex is his REAL name (and me and Vicki call him Rexxy)
- When he's embarrassed, his ears get bright red, then his face and neck follow suit
- He sometimes tries to act like he doesn't care - but he does
- He's a nicer, sweeter person than he likes to let on
- He just recently got married
- He's in the U.S. Navy, along with his beautiful wife, and his little sister
- He has been stung by a scorpion, but I won't blog about where! ;o)
- He was a great kid, and now he's a wonderful young man
- He has ALWAYS kept us laughing!
- Me and Big D are SO PROUD of him!
The first thing people usually say when I tell them I have a son named 'Rex' is, "Oh, I had a dog named Rex once." Then they realize I'm not kidding; that's really his name!
We love you Rexxy! Hope you're feeling better - don't take too many pain pills, ok? Happy, happy birthday!
Rex - Notice how there were no pictures posted on this blog? There was the one of you from years ago on Sam's pink bicycle, but I can't find it!!! DAMN!!!
Much Love,
Ann & Dad
Quote of the Day on the Fourth!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone has a great day! Be safe!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Birthday Shout-Out to Jackie!! Sorry It's Late!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Things I Like About Arizona
- No snow in Phoenix
- Very little rainfall
- No helmet law for motorcyclists
- Two words: Sheriff Joe!
- New friends we have made here
- Did I mention no snow??
- The winters are SO nice!!
- I would rather have 3 months of really hot crappy weather instead of having 6 or 7 months of really cold crappy weather (in MA)!
- No in-laws here, either!
- In one day I can go to the mountains, the lakes, the forest and the desert - and remain in Arizona the whole time! How cool is that?
On the downside, I do miss my family. I wish they would visit more. And I miss the beach, and at times the pain is unbearable. But, that's what vacations are for. As long as I have my pool I'm ok!