The collection of any random thoughts that pop into my head, or the culmination of some damn thing that happened at the Nelson house, because you all know there is never a dull freaking moment in our lives!

Words to Live By
Monday, December 31, 2007
Goodbye 2007!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Good Move, NFL!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Birthday Shout-Out!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Special Birthday Shout-Out!

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Birthday Shout-Out!
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Total Irritation Today
Thursday, December 20, 2007
If They Can Get Along...Anyone Can!

Tonight, I fed Kitty, but apparently Rascal's food was better, so they shared his food! They sleep together on Rascal's bed, and if one isn't feeling well the other is always trying to comfort the one that doesn't feel well.
If these two sworn enemies, my cat and my dog, can get along...I think we, as human adults can learn to get along.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Healthy Level of Sanity
Monday, December 17, 2007
My Little Christmas Tree
Friday, December 14, 2007
Hubby's Christmas Party - Updated with Pics

Well, tonight, we went out to dinner at Top Shelf (great Mexican food!) and on the way home, I noticed it was freaking cold out! When we got home, I turned on the heat and threw a blanket over me. D said, "So are we taking the bike tomorrow night?" I could not believe he had to ask me. I was freezing just sitting in the house! I told him this, and he says, "Why don't you try on my chaps to see if they fit you."
So he brings them in from somewhere (I didn't pay attention to where he went) and drops them in my lap...they were freeeeeeezzzzzing! Hello? So then I tell him that they will probably be too short (yes, D is about an inch shorter than me). He tells me they might be ok, and to just try them. He got pretty insistent, so I agreed.
Now, please understand that I have never owned a pair of chaps in my life, so it took me a few moments to figure out how the hell to get them on. So, I struggle with getting them on the right way. I'm thinking, these are really heavy. I don't remember his chaps being this heavy. So I get them on properly and buckle them up. Then I realize that the length is perfect. I look at D, and he's smiling and shaking his head. That's when it finally dawned on me that these were my chaps! I was concentrating so hard on getting them on, I didn't even realize they weren't his! They are very nice insulated chaps, so now I won't freeze tomorrow night!
And while I did ask for chaps for Christmas this year, I didn't think I would get them until January, because they're pretty pricey. So I couldn't be more surprised, and thrilled! Thanks, Babe! ILY!
Note: I will update this post on Sunday with pictures!

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Which Reindeer Are You?
You Are Blitzen |
![]() |
Hot Rod Lincoln
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
How Proud Am I?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why God Made Moms
Monday, December 10, 2007
Biker or Bank Robber?

Upon further inspection of said pockets, I found these nylon quasi-mittens! I'm pretty sure they're to go over the gloves in case of rain, but I think that would make it too slippery to operate a motorcycle with those nylon mittens on!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Dear Me...
More Laughs
Are We Getting Old?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
A Pindow On My Window?

While researching Dr. Seuss online, memories flooded back to me. Do you remember these characters?
- Horton the Elephant
- Gertrude McFuzz
- The Lorax
- The Grinch & his dog Max
- Things One and Two
- Thidwick the Moose
I used to have all the Dr. Seuss books as a child. Vicki had many, but they're long gone now. We used to spend hours reading those books. I think I'm going to buy them for my grandchildren, now.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A New Family Tradition?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Big Daddy's Shirt
Friday, November 30, 2007
He Is The Decider
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Daryl's Court Date
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I Just Couldn't Resist!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's Time To Award Great Blogs!

Monday, November 26, 2007
Belated Birthday Shout-Out To My Sister Gayle

The Christmas Season Has Begun

Saturday, November 24, 2007
My Old Man
Now, I give him crap about riding with a windshield, but Vicki is the queen of giving him crap! She called him a wimp as soon as she saw it!

Confuscious say: He who rides with windshield is old!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
This Is What I Get For Complaining
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I Just Don't Get It
- Sit-ups or stomach crunches 10 minutes/day, 5 days/week
- tennis, handball or basketball 3 times/week
- jogging 20 minutes/day, 3 days/week
- push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, or working with dumbbells 4 times/week
Now, even though I think that list is a little excessive for a 9-yr-old, I told her that we'll start working out a little more together. Let me remind you, she wants to do this...I am not forcing this on her.
Fast forward to yesterday at Vicki's school. D and I went to the Turkey Run at Vicki's request. It's where the kids run a mile and compete for prizes. 1st place wins a turkey, 2nd place and 3rd place each win a pumpkin pie. The girls run first. While they are running, we notice the coach is a little chunky herself. D said, "Is that the coach?" We surmised that it was, indeed, the coach. D said, "Why is she fat?" No lie, here...she was big. And it wasn't was fat. One of her thighs equals two of mine. And she was petite, too, so she REALLY didn't wear it well at all. So now I'm thinking about Vicki's 'results' sheet, and how she's supposed to be doing all of this working out to get in shape. The issue here is, if your coach is fat and telling you to work out more, doesn't that make her a hypocrit??
As the girls' race came to an end, we noticed that the coach was talking to the 2nd and 3rd place winners, away from everyone else. D said, "She's probably trying to get their pumpkin pies!"
BTW...Vicki did not come in last, either. She had 7 or 8 girls come in behind her. She's not an overachiever when it comes to physical fitness, but she's my kid and I love her.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving Breakfast
Friday, November 16, 2007
Our Friends Marty & Amy
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Pets
Spotsy is a 12+ year-old Dalmation-Border Collie mix. She has been with us for 2 years now, and she is a lover, not a fighter.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hey, Mom, Are You OK?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Walk to D'Feet ALS
Pass The Cheer
Monday, November 12, 2007
What A Difference
A Veterans Day Tribute

Friday, November 9, 2007
Funny for Today
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Do You Like Jack-O?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Something To Make You Smile
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Can You Believe This?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
10 Wonderful Years Together

Today is my 10-year wedding anniversary. I bet you didn't know I was married to the best man in the world.
Daryl, I can still remember the night we met, when I called you a cowboy, and George told me I didn't "want any of that". Good thing he was only partially joking - as he was the best man at our wedding!
We have been through some of the most challenging times of our lives together, and we've had some of the most fulfilling times together, as well. Everyone I knew thought I was crazy to "marry the guy with 3 kids", but I knew what I wanted. Raising those kids wasn't all rosy, or peace and light - and I had a few reality checks along the way, but I wouldn't change those years for anything in the world. Everyone now knows: those are "my kids". and you don't mess with them - ever! And Vicki was a wonderful surprise when we thought I couldn't have any children; I can't imagine life without her.
You have taught me to love myself, and accept myself for who I am. I have learned that it's okay to do things a little differently than others do; okay to go off the beaten path. You give me the courage to do those things, day-in and day-out, and if I fail, you are always there to support me.
You are simply, the man of my dreams. You are the song my heart sings to, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Here's to a decade of love, laughs and tears. Let's pull out all the stops and have many, many more!
I love you, Babe. Happy Anniversary!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Quick - I Need A Pumpkin!
A Sense of Humor About Blogging
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Our Son Eric
Eric sounded a little down on the phone. I'm thinking that maybe he's a little homesick, missing his wife (who is also stationed in Korea, but at a different base), and just generally tired. He's in an unfamiliar country, and as I understand it, there's really not much to do off-base there. He's planning a trip to visit his brother and sister-in-law in Japan, but that won't be until February.
Since I know he reads my blog (even though he doesn't leave comments), I thought I would share some of my favorite memories of him, and remind him just how much we love him and how damned proud we are that he's our son.
Eric was a bit klutzy when he was growing up, so a lot of memories I have are of injuries. Like the time I told him, "Eric, I'm opening the freezer door, DO NOT walk this way for a minute." (we had to tell him things like that or he'd walk right into it.) Well, about two seconds after I said that, Eric walked into the freezer door like it wasn't even there! The handle got him on the nose, and I think he got a black eye from it. There was another time when he was playing in the woods with his brother and a bunch of neighborhood kids at night, and Eric was the one to run into the rusty 55-gallon drum that nobody knew was there. I believe he still has a scar on his stomach from that.
But my memories of Eric growing up are not all injury-related. I can remember going to car shows, the Worcester Nationals in Massachusetts, for example. We'd pack-up the kids and go for the day, and Eric loved T-buckets. He pointed out every single T-bucket in the show. For those of you who don't know what a T-bucket is, here's an example:

We would have to take a picture of every single T-bucket at the show, and the show was huge. It took us all day to see what we could and we never did see the whole thing.
Another of my favorite memories of Eric is when he called us on September 1st, 2005, and said, "We're going to get married, and we want you and Dad to be witnesses." He was 20 years old. I calmly explained to him that I thought he might be a bit young to get married, and why the rush, etc., etc. Then he calmly explained to me that he loved Toshia, and they were going to get married anyway, but if they didn't get married now, the Air Force could not guarantee that they would be stationed together again. He explained all this to me so calmly, and in such detail; I almost couldn't believe I was talking to Eric. Eric, who usually gets so excited, and maybe a little heated when having to explain himself. I knew he had his mind made up, and I could either go with the flow, or miss out on a wonderful event. Needless to say, I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world.
It's funny that when Eric was a teen, his Dad would try to get him to work in the garage with him, and Eric was not having it. He hated working in the garage. Daryl would tell me, "It's like pulling teeth getting that kid into the garage." It's funny, because now Eric is a mechanic in the Air Force, and doing very well. This makes Daryl extremely proud.
Eric has grown into a proud young man, and he is loyal to his friends and family, sometimes to a fault. When he was stationed in Tucson, he came to stay with us in Phoenix, every chance he got. We went Salt River Tubing a few times, he took Vicki to California and Sea World. He took me food shopping at the base commissary in Glendale when money was tight. We were lucky that he was stationed so close to us. He spent holdiays with us, and we were able to visit him in Tucson, too. He is perhaps, one of the most compassionate and caring individuals I know.
We love you very much, Eric, and we're proud as hell of the way you've defeated your demons, and of the man you've become. Keep your chin up, you'll be visiting Rex and Deja in no time, and then it's on to England! We can't wait to visit you there.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Our Vacation
- Have some clam chowda - we ate a lot of chowda!
- Enjoy the cool weather - not so much! The avg temp during our visit: 75, but still cooler than Phx!
- Can you say G & S Pizza??? - We almost missed out on this, but alas, we made it!
- Visit with D's fam - Saw Dad, that was interesting. He didn't know who I was for the 1st 15 minutes I was there!
- Visit Dad's grave - Not as sad this time.
- Lunch with my Cyndi-girl - Ended up being coffee, but it was great to see her!
- Breath in the cool sea air on Cape Cod - more satisfying than I remembered!
- Take lots of blog-worthy pics - See below
- Meet my new great nephew - Little baby Jason is a little doll!
- Lunch with my favorite Brit, Bev - changed plans to dinner - what a great night!
- Enjoy the company of my Mom and sisters - can't get enough; I wish they would come visit me!
- Eat some great food, and probably gain 5 lbs! - Yeah, 3 lbs to be exact! SlimFast to the rescue!!
Oh, yeah...I had Dunkin Donuts coffee every flippin' day! It was wonderful!
So, we had a wonderful trip. Here are some pics to enjoy:
If you're ever in Buzzard's Bay, have the chowda at Lindsey's!

Friday night: closing the bar with Savina - again!

Vicki at G&S Pizza

My sweet baby Jason!
Dinner with my favorite Brit
Vicki on the rock in my sister's back yard
Going over the Bourne Bridge - Cape Cod, MAI was trying to get a picture of the 'Cape Cod' shaped bushes, but figured it was still a good you know what a rotary is?
Somebody put windchimes in the tree near my Dad's's an Air Force eagle.
My crazy sisters trying on Halloween costumes!
Vicki and my sister Gayle in front of her house.Vicki, Amanda and Stevie, my niece and nephew.
These are pics of the field across the street from my Mom's old house. I used to explore those woods for hours as a kid! I was standing on the sledding hill to take these pics.
I took Vicki to Frothingham Park (in my home town) to play one day. I forgot just how pretty that park is.

Hope you enjoyed my vacation pictorial! Next trip will be for our 10th anniversary, but we're still undecided on our plans.